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America, Black Bodies, Community, Jaime Lee Lewis, Mental Health, R Kelly, Social Media, Society, Surviving R Kelly -

  Surviving R Kelly was long and emotionally exhausting. By Episode 3, I was beyond clear on my conviction, R Kelly was the piece of sht I had always regarded him to be. I grieved over  his catalogue like [you know] adopted friends and family that become the casualties of a messy break up. I thought I knew the R Kelly story: boy gets raped; grows up to become a rapist; sex tape; conflicting stances within the community; the collective and contradictory stepping “in the name of love”, ushered by the sounds of the Pied Piper; R Kelly decreases in...

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America, Black Bodies, Community, Jaime Lee Lewis, Leadership, Lynchings, Musings, Self Awareness, Social Media, Society, Sociology -

  The Nike ad featuring Colin Kaepernick was not a win for the Black community nor did it directly address the issue of police brutality. A day after the unveiling of the brilliant Nike Ad, Botham Jean, an unarmed Black man is killed in his own home, murder mystery style, and Justice for his family and community is still pending - per usual. While members of the Black community scramble to find Justice for yet another slain, Nike proudly announces a 10 percent rise in revenue to $9.95 billion and a 15 percent jump in profit to $1.1 billion in...

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America, Black Bodies, Black Boys, Jaime Lee Lewis, Lynchings, Musings, Social Media, Society, Sociology, XXXTentacion -

    On Monday, June 18th, XXX Tentacion is shot in Miami Florida. A person, if not people, in the surrounding area takes out their phone, but they don't call the police. No, they walk closer to the dying body, to record 15-60 seconds worth of spectacle for social media - for all to see.   The lifeless Black body has long been sensationalized amongst American audiences, for generations. Growing up I often wondered who those heartless people were, who angled their cameras at the brown corpses decorating Southern trees like holiday ornaments. Years later I have my answer. Those...

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